Insider Trading OK for Congress

Insider Trading Inside the Beltway: In 1990’s Senators beat the market by 12% per year. Average private citizen did -1.4% during same period. Businesses averaged 6%.

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via Articles > Insider Trading Inside the Beltway: In 1990’s Senators beat the market by 12% per year. Average private citizen did -1.4% during same period. Businesses averaged 6%..

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6 Responses to Insider Trading OK for Congress

  1. Mrs Jones says:

    This info just literally leaves me boiling! Maybe this should be brought to the forefront by the Occupy Wallstreet group – it’s not just the top 1% – I think our whole constitution needs a MAJOR overhaul to reflect what is happening in America today!!

  2. straydog01 says:

    I think the biggest problem is that we just don’t follow the Constitution that we have in place. None of the politicians uphold the Constitution and simply make up the rules to the game as they go along. We need accountability in D.C. with the Constitution as our basis. We have gotten away from being a “republic” (like our Pledge of Allegiance states) and have become a democracy (which is a bad thing for individual rights). We need to get back to the values and principles and government that our Founding Fathers based this country on. Only then will America ensure it’s continued prosperity.

  3. Pingback: Why does Congress get a free pass on insider trading? « quinnscommentary

  4. Pingback: Why does Congress get a free pass on insider trading? |

  5. Pingback: Inside the Beltway By Jennifer Harper | GoodOleWoody's Blog

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